
Appointments can now be booked online if you have been issued with a username and password.  Click her to access the online booking system.

circled_dayConsultations with the doctor or nurse are by appointment only. Routine appointments are bookable in advance. Please telephone or call into the surgery, and the receptionist will arrange the earliest, convenient appointment with the doctor or nurse. 

We do our best to offer an appointment within 48 hours, but if this is not convenient, there may unfortunately be a longer wait. 

Emergency and urgent cases will be seen the same day.

After booking an appointment, we request that you ensure you attend on time.  Lateness causes delays in the surgery running time and we will require you to book another appointment.

Telephone Advice

If you wish to speak directly to the doctor or nurse by telephone, please speak to the receptionist who will take the necessary details and pass them to the doctor or nurse. The relevant clinician will return your call.


Patients requiring referral to secondary care will be offered the Choose and Book referral method. The doctor will explain the choices available and give patients written information during the consultation.


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else. Patients who fail to attend an appointment more than twice will be written to with a warning letter.  If they fail to attend again they will be removed from the GP list and will have to register with another doctor.


The surgery is now live on the new NHS APP - if you are already registered for on line services you will now be able to download the APP to your device and use your existing password to log in.

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